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Distribute thousands of books/tracts at stadiums

Join a team of fired up church members for just a few hours to distribute thousands of booklets and tracts outside of sports events. It is exciting. It is effective. Thousands of people gladly receive your pocket convenient literature in a very short amount of time. 


Super speedways have the largest crowds in the United States

Learn how to properly reach thousands at super speedways where the largest crowds in the United States gather. Watch Video 2 on Stadium distribution.


Make friends in your church community easily

Imagine going out in the community on sabbath afternoon for one hour with fellow church members. By simply distributing free literature, being invited back for a return visit, and getting to know your neighbors better, friendships will be established that will last a lifetime. Look at how easy it is making ten new friends in one hour.



Make tract distribution a part of your daily routine

Why go out of your way to distribute tracts if you do not have time? Simply keep a few tracts on you each day and distribute them to individuals you encounter during your normal routine. You will be surprised at how many people you can reach in a week's time. But then again, you might want to be a part of a team distributing a million tracts at a special event. Watch this video and see how it works.



Visiting people in their homes is the most important ministry ever

There are thousands of people who are longing for a personal visit from someone who can bring them peace, hope, and love. The literature evangelist who has learned to be a professional in his ministry ministers to the needs of hurting people through helpful literature, encouraging words, and heartfelt prayers. Thousands of souls have been won to the Lord by the Lord using faithful literature evangelists. Watch this video and learn more.



Students go out during every school break to share hope and receive scholarships

There is nothing that can replace the joy you see on the faces of students who have gone out together on a literature missionary campaign. Empowered students pray together, eat together, plan together, study together, minister to hurting people together, share helpful literature together, receive scholarships together, and have fun together! Watch this video and see how you can be a part of a student team.


You can set up a seminar and introduce people to great resources

Have you ever been in an exciting, informative seminar with a group of people? It can be a lot of fun. How would you like to hold your own seminar introducing people to the most positive, uplifting, and beneficial resources that were ever produced. You can hold a health seminar, character building seminar, parenting seminar, or a prophecy seminar. We have books that meet every need in the family. Watch this video and learn more.

TEAMWORK SEMINAR - Coach Larry Dandridge


Learn the components of effective teamwork.

Coach Larry Dandridge knows what it takes to be on a winning team . You too can learn how to be a key team member on a winning team. Watch and grow.


2022 BLAST CONF. 1 of 3 - Studying the Event - William Smith


For Blast Event Coordinators

William Smith, Southern Union Publishing Director, emphasizes the power of truth-filled literature and how to study big events for maximum impact.


2022 BLAST CONF. 2 of 3 - Working the Event - Keith Reid


For Blast Event Coordinators

Keith Reid, Southern Union Associate Publishing Director, emphasizes how to work big events for maximum impact.


2022 BLAST CONF. 3 of 3 - Recruiting for the Event - Robert Soto


For Blast Event Coordinators

Robert Soto, BLAST Event Coordinator for South Alabama, emphasizes how to Recruit for  big events for maximum impact.


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